April 25, 2010

My Fire Burn't Town

I nearly cried this morning when I got up to check my blog comments.....there weren't any lol.  But thankyou to the 3 people that eventually did comment, it made me feel much better.  I thought how was I going to return a comment to no one lol.

It's autumn here now, one of my favorite times of the year.  I am so not a summer person I just hate being hot and the sleepless nights, I so love being able to rug up, but it's bushfires that scare me the most.  I live in one of the area's effected by the Black Saturday bushfire area's, our town was completely wiped out which included 500 houses.  We were one of the lucky ones.... 12 houses survived and our brand new house was one of them.  Don't know how because the houses on either side of us and behind us went and our home was undefended.

Below are some pictures of before the fires and now.


The Main St



This part is called The Black Spur and goes for about 20km of pure windies and if you get car sick your in deep trouble.  Also logging trucks travel this road from dawn to dusk.

So as you can see alot of the burn't trees on the Spur have shed their bark and almost look normal.  The foggy on I threw in because that's what it's like during winter.  I have to travel down this road when going food shopping or to get to the nearest big shopping centre which is nearly and hour away.

Last year was our first winter here and this is what we woke up to which in a funny way looked dso beautiful on all the burn't rubble and landscape.  Alot of houses still hadn't been cleared from their blocks yet:

It's very slow rebuilding this town, it's been over a yr now since the fires went through and we only have 2 cafes and a real estate agent in the main st, and a little further back we have a small grocer and just recently a couple of petrol pumps that you have to pay by card, they are free standing with no attendants.  A couple of weeks ago the primary school opened and the community centre is currently being built.  This place was a dream but now it's like living in a new estate with houses going up in bits.  I hate that there is nothing up here and as much as people say it will all happen eventually but this is not how it was mean't to be when we decided to move from the ocean to the mountains and I honestly despise the person that lit this fire for changing so many lives forever...especially the 30 plus that died in this town.

I will do updates and pics soon and show you how many houses are being built right now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a horrific thing!! The area you live in is truly beautiful- I cannot imagine how devastated you must have felt (and probably still feel) having gone through such devastation!

Best of luck to all those trying to rebuild your community!

April 25, 2010 2:40 am  
Blogger Cape Girl said...

Oh My God! I can't believe that happened to your town!!! That is devastating. I wish your town all the luck in the world rebuilding.


April 26, 2010 7:19 am  
Blogger Carrie27 said...

Wow - it's beautiful and would make waking up worth it even more. But, for someone to want to destroy that and so many people is unbelievable.

An hour to go grocery shopping? That must take some serious planning.

April 26, 2010 7:55 am  
Blogger Awaiting our miracle said...

Hi Shaz. Here via ICLW but I also recognise you from EB.

I am from Geelong and on our way to Healesville for a weekend away a couple of months ago, we went through King Lake. I was obviously well aware of the fires, but was totally blown away by the devastation there. I just can not even comprehend how difficult it would have been to have gone through that.

I'm so glad to hear that Maxx is doing well.


April 26, 2010 5:20 pm  
Blogger Stefanie Wolfaardt said...

I can't believe this happened in your town, but let me tell you, your family were blessed to be able to survive it all, without any damage to your house.

Wishing the town all the best in rebuilding

~stopping by for ICLW #126

April 26, 2010 5:30 pm  
Blogger Sooz said...

Wow! I can't believe how beautiful your area is now. It just shows how things can grow after devastation.

I also want to thank you for posting on blog and giving me hope when I was so down. I read the entry about your friend and I'm hoping that this is it for her and she'll get her bfp!

April 28, 2010 12:38 am  
Blogger tomi said...

I think my heart broke when they were showing the footage of the fires and destruction on tv and the lives which were needlessly lost.

I'll probably send DH to go shopping - I get carsick down winding roads ;)

May 02, 2010 8:52 am  

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