April 21, 2010

Bad Mummy Award

My little man is becoming more confident within himself everyday.  He's loving that he can now walk around although still aided but he thinks it's pretty good, especially now he can use his car or push walker to lean on whilst trying to raid higher heights such as draws.  Monday he wanted to go for a walk outside whilst holding my fingers, he did the leading and I just followed oh and held him up while trying to make sure he didn't trip over stuff on the floor as he was a little busy being proud of himself and looking at anything that moved lol.

Yesterday we spent the afternoon having alook around a shopping centre.  As I have lost weight I am in desperate need of some winter clothing and I must say this season just sux!!  Big and long jumpers, cardigans and shirts the look like flannelette.  So if I hadn't of lost the weight it wouldn't of made any difference as there is no shape to alot of it.  Anyway I could smell brewing from the pram below so thought I'd better go and change M, grab a coffee and muffin and give M some food.  Got myself organsied, sat down at a table and started to feed M, think he had pumpkin cous cous and just as I open my muffin bag I heard M whinge and when I looked at him he had a lovely water fall effect of pumpkin cous cous down the front of him and in his pram.  Now when he was little I could handle baby spew but when they get older and it really does smell like vomit it makes me want to do the same thing, but being a tough mummy I just grabbed hand fulls of baby wipes and mopped up as much as I could, although a hose would of been easier!!  Poor M he was so upset by it and to top it off his not so brilliant mother forgot a change of clothes for him too.  So I headed straight for Target but yep he crashed and there was no way I was going to wake him, so his pay back to me for not bringing his clothes was for me to walk around the shops for an hour with the woft of vomit protruding off him and all as I could think about was "please let no one else smell it"....I am such a good mother ...not.  I mean I let this kid keep his top on covered in spew just so I didn't have to wake him and try and get him to sleep again, just so I could have a little peace and look around.

When I got back to the car he woke up, so I changed his top and gave him a huge hug saying how sorry I was for letting my defenceless little man stay in his own vomit.  He just smiled at me which made me feel even worse, then proceeded to play with his toys in his carseat but don't worry payback happened when he decided he was going to stay up until 10pm, hypo as soon as he got home and then after me going to bed at midnight as I needed to get things done around the house (I just find it easier to clean etc when the house is quiet), he proceeded to wake at 6.30am.  

Then today he thought he would hold out on his day sleep till 3pm, where without a word of a lie I nearly left him to it and had a sleep myself on the couch until someone found the remote and next thing I know Postman Pat has nearly sent me through the ceiling.  so all in all I think he made me pay for the vomit episode although I'm sure it's not over !


Blogger Keiko Zoll said...

A cute story- I doubt your little boy would ever call you a bad mummy!
Happy ICLW!
~Miriam (ICLW #10)

April 22, 2010 1:02 am  

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