February 19, 2008

FS Appointment

Had my appointment with my FS today, all went well. My glucose, thyroid
tests came back fine although spewing about the thyroid then I could blame
it on my weight lol. Also my testosterone was elevated slightly but I only
have PCO not PCOS and can stop taking metformin which I have been on for 5
yrs now.

So now the deal is we wait for AF to arrive, I will go on proganova twice a
day and the reason for not doing another natural is due to us doing our
first blast cycle. My FS wants to monitor my first cycle with her plus my O
ing was out this month by 11 days than normal which depressed me as it took
so long to get it to day 15 from day 35. She will do all my scans so she
can see what's happening as my last Dr got my nurse to do it or the clinic.
They will take 6 embies to blast if none survive then she said we may skip
the rest of the 8 embies left and go for a fresh with PGD.

That's it for now, hopefully af will be here end of next week and we'll get




Anonymous THT Dam Witch said...

Good Luck me friend.You are never far from my thoughts.We will be cycle sisters 4ever I promise lol.GOODLUCK

February 21, 2008 2:22 pm  
Anonymous Brenda said...

I hope the bitch turns up real soon. Im really happy that this Dr seems to want to try new things. I think a change is really good. I also think that a new Dr sometimes wants to take you on and do what others dr's have not been able to do.

EVERYTHING is crossed for you.


February 22, 2008 4:30 am  
Anonymous Brenda said...

Oh and just wanted to let you know that I have tagged you on my blog. I know you have nothing better to do with your time lol and i thought you are probably sitting around all day with nothing to do. (Sorry)


February 24, 2008 12:23 am  
Anonymous Imogen said...

All sounds great Shazz. Best of luck xoxo

February 24, 2008 8:48 am  
Anonymous THT Dam Witch said...

GoodLuck its a lil late but wanted to tell ya I am praying for you!

March 05, 2008 2:50 am  
Anonymous Ahuva Batya said...

Good luck to you this time around. You do deserve some good luck!

March 08, 2008 1:50 am  

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