March 21, 2008

Cargo on Board

We made it!!  We have 2 Blasts on board as from today, which means 2 out of our 6 embies made it to day 5.  The sad thing is knowing we lost 4 of our bubs but as our FS said they would of never survived anyway.  If this cycle doesn’t work then she will pull out our last remaining 8 and grow them to day 5.

  I just want to get so excited but I know better but I think its because it’s a different way of trying things.

  I have just been transferred to a new work place and was explaining it all to a couple of the girls there and they were amazed on what us IVFers go through.  Two of them told me I am an incredibly strong person and its not the first time I have heard this, but you know what I don’t know if I am a strong person but I have to act that way to get through everyday life.  Yes we have now been through 11 transfers, a loss of a baby and continual failed cycles, but if I don’t put this very thick wall up then I would been in a padded cell a long time ago with never to be released on the door! 

  So Beta is the 31st March.



Anonymous Brenda said...

Great, super, fantastic wonderful news!!!
Everything is crossed!

I know what you mean about being strong. I dont think I am either. I just cant stand 'that' look people give you if they think you are not coping. The look of pity.


March 21, 2008 6:46 am  
Anonymous Ahuva Batya said...

How exciting!! We are doing our transfer this Sunday. I will be following along and hoping the best for you!

March 22, 2008 12:42 pm  
Anonymous marcie said...

You are strong - these are the lessons that I think we were meant to learn,if we can survive what we have survived then we can get through anything. Good Luck lovely, I hope that this is the one for both of us! Hoping and praying
Love marcie

March 23, 2008 10:16 pm  
Anonymous Imogen said...

Great result Shazz. As always I am in your corner pulling for you xoxo

March 26, 2008 1:30 am  
Anonymous Elaine said...

Shazz, 31st is my DS's bday, I hope its very very lucky for you... I will be praying every night and keeping everything crossed...


March 27, 2008 4:06 am  
Anonymous Shayne said...

Thinking of you tomorrow.....

March 31, 2008 6:33 am  
Anonymous Memory said...

Thinking of you tomorrow Shazz, I will pray extra hard tonight, please someone hear my prayers for Shazz, her DH and their little embies...

March 31, 2008 8:28 am  

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