November 01, 2007

Day 3/4 post transfer

Had a strange day today.  Thought I would get out of the house for the first time since transfer and go to our local market then off to a scrapbooking shop to get some stuff for DH 40th Birthday Invites, which might I say I have never done before so this will be a first me and yes I will post a pic when I do them lol.Anyway I ended up cutting the trip short and only got to the scrapbooking place.  I had a really uncomfortable feeling almost like I had done a lot of sit ups, you know the day after and the only thing I can put it down too is the 4 progesterone pessaries a day that I am on.  Unfortunately I had to go to the supermarket on the way home to grab some stuff and the heavy basket wasn’t helping.  As soon as I got home I dumped the groceries, got changed into my PJ’s and hit the couch and this is where I have stayed, well except for making dinner.Again this morning there was a small amount of brown but more like a pin head size, bloody pessaries pull everything out of you. 

I love it when DH rubs my tummy when I have had transfer. Tonight we were lying on the bed and he was rubbing my tummy and he does it everynight we can even be laying in the beanbag and he will just lay there with his hand on my tummy.  As I couldn’t sleep DH went to bed and when he said good night he rubbed my tummy and said night E1 & E2 (Embrio),  this time he is treating me like I am pregnant and when we talk over the phone he always asks how the bubs are doing, not to mention he will say “well you are pregnant “…….. Babe I hope your right and thankyou for thinking that way. 

Now progesterone pessaries……….. they would have to be a male invention, only a man could come up with something I have to insert into myself and the ones I have look like a miniature vibrator.  I wake up in the middle of the night feeling it ooze out of me, have to run to the toilet before it hits the sheets and then have to do it in the morning too, lay there for another half hour before I can get up and then continually ooze out for the rest of the day not knowing if its AF or you have sprung a leak.  Us women would of designed something we could eat and chocolate coated at that or at least when you put it into yourself it has a catcher that opens up to catch any run offs. 

We’ll see what tomorrow brings, hopefully another day closer to good news.

Thanks for your comments everyone, the encouragement is very much appreciated and needed!!



Anonymous griefrollercoaster said...

Wishing you every success with this transfer. I am pleased DH is helping you feel positive about it all, what would we do without them. I agree the chocolate coated choice sounds better than what you are having to put yourself through. Thinking of you.

November 01, 2007 9:09 pm  
Anonymous Marcie said...

It is all heading in the right direction sweetie... and oh how sweet of your DH - phil I think just tries not to think about it as much as me.

November 02, 2007 5:32 am  
Anonymous maryellenandsteve said...

I so hope that this is it Shazz. Good luck!

November 02, 2007 12:03 pm  
Anonymous Lis said...

LOL! I hear ya on the Pessaries - giggling at how we woman would have made them!
Nearly half way up!

November 02, 2007 8:43 pm  
Anonymous Salli said...

I have everything possible crossed for you up and look after yourself. Great to hear DH is taking such great care of you

November 03, 2007 12:11 am  
Anonymous Tash said...

Half way through, thinking of you!!
You've done well! :)

November 03, 2007 11:11 pm  

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