April 29, 2006

Mothers Day

I've been thinking how close Mothers Day is, this is supose to be my first one. So how do I deal with it, how do I act happy for my mum's day! How will I be able to feel like a mum for my beautiful girl that had no choice on whether she stayed or not. There should be a day for Angel mum's and dad's.

I can not believe this shit, I have just read that one of the girls in the Teddyloveclub (miscarriage group) and she's just lost her ~Angel Mitchell~ at 19w due to to incomp cervix. This is her third ~Angel~ in her 2nd trimester, and its bullshit that they have to go through this again and again. Why is it that couples who want a child so badly have to go through all this crap and then there's those women who sneeze and have 6 children to 6 different men, are on the pension, go out and drink and leave the kids at home, sleep all day, screw and get pissed all night.

Then I think of my Best IVF Bud and knowing that she had to go through losing her precious twins for the 2nd time and listen to the heartache that her and her Dear Hubby had to go through. Sweetheart you are such an inspiration to me, you worry about everyone else after all you have been though because thats your nature, but I want you to know that I will always be here for you day or night what ever hour for when that time may come that you need to explode!!


Blogger M said...

Chloe will be smiling on you on Mothers Day, she knows how much her Mum and Dad love her and always will.

I am so glad to have you as a friend to listen to me crap on, I'm thinking that explosion might be getting closer! Through all this shit that we go through, our angels have bought us all together and given us lifelong friendships. And for that I will thank them always.

Love you lots xxxx

April 30, 2006 8:14 pm  

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