October 14, 2006


I did my own trigger shot tonight and I was scared stiff lol to the point I felt sick lol, but I numbed the old tum with some ice and did it!! Now I am worried that hyerstim is going to hit me and guess I will until the whole thing is over. I go for egg retrieval on Monday at 7.30am and I can feel the pain of it already, although I have to admit the sleep is the best bit.

I just don’t know how I will cope if I am told that its to dangerous to transfer knowing that a fresh transfer is the only thing that has ever worked for us. My nurse told me not to be brave and do the right thing and I know I have to listen to her as it’s my health here and I don’t want to end up in hospital. My RE gave me a drip last time when they collected 29 eggs so I will be tipping I will get it again.

Why do we have to go through this, why can I just not have one simple easy cycle…..or isn’t there such a thing lol!!


Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

Good for you on doing the trigger!

I hope that your retrieval goes well, and that you will be able to transfer. You are in my thoughts. I will be checking back for updates. Sending you a hug.

October 15, 2006 12:22 am  
Blogger Sparkle said...

Good luck with the transfer, hope it goes well.

Keeping fingers crossed for a fresh transfer.

October 15, 2006 4:12 pm  

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