May 25, 2010

Bitsa post

Do you ever just feel tired and it's not the I need sleep tired, you just tired.  Well that's how I'm feeling right now and the answers when I tell people are you just need to go to bed early. I'm wondering if it's just that time of year as my skin has also gone very dry, my nails are all spliting and my hair has gone like straw.  You really wouldn't think that autumn would do that more so summer but I guess our bodies just go through so much during summer it has to fall in a heap sometimes.  Well jsut thought I would share that with you lol.

The little man went to playgroup today and for the majority of it he open and closed cupboard doors!  I'm told it's normal for his age but I am scratching my head as to what the fun of it is, especially when they jam fingers then go back for more.  I'm going to ask him when his older but I'm sure he will look at me like an idiot lmao.  He also did some drawing although I call it dot to dot as he hasn't quiet mastered how to hold the crayons, but it's his first picture up on the fridge.....awwwwwwwwwwwww hee hee.

My friend goes for her beta in a couple of days so fingers crossed guys!!

Sorry it's pretty non eventful post today my brain left me about 2 hours ago when my son still hadn't had his sleep lol, hoping it returs tomorrow!


Blogger junebug said...

I think our bodies go through cycles. Plus I know sometimes my PCOS just drains me.
I have always though it was funny that people spend so much money on fancy toys when kids are just as happy to play with cardboard, pans and doors. :-)

May 28, 2010 7:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im having MAJOR hair problems atm but I think its hormones. Ever since G came along my hair has been so oily and nothing i do fixes it. I give up!

G loves doors as well. She has been drawing (scribbling) since she was 12 months. Maxx will get the hang of holding crayons. Have you looked at the toddler TaDoodles by Crayola??
G started with the crayons at 12 months (they say they are for 18 months and it took her a few months to get the hang of it)and now she has the felt tips. She loves them and they fit into toddler hands really well. She has moved onto normal crayons now as well but the tadoodles are great to take to the shops or when we go out for dinner.
Im one of those mums who can pull 10 activtes out of the bottom of the pram when out in public to keep the toddler entertained. lol
I have just brought a couple of small (15cm x 15 cm) wooden puzzles to keep in the nappy bag. :)


June 01, 2010 9:35 am  

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