June 30, 2006


Well I have been Tagged twice, once by Meri-ann impatientpatient & the other by Kate The Infertility Times , so here goes!!

7 things I'd like to do before I die:

1. Have a healthy baby or two!!
2. To go back to Italy
3. Cry less
4. Perky Boobs
5. To be happy with myself
6. Travel to Hong Kong
7. Stay married to my soul mate forever - happily.

7 things that I can't do:

1. Keep the house clean
2. Spelling
3. Stand people sniffing
4. Let things go
5. Use a couple of dishes when cooking
6. Iron regularly
7. Lose weight

7 things that attracted me to my husband:

1. His love for me
2. He loves me the way I am
3. His Smile
4. The way he always comes through and never gives up
5. He's strength
6. His butt
7. His goals

7 books (or series of books) that I love:

Honestly I dont read books, unfortunatly I dont have the attention span!!

7 movies I'd watch over & over:

1. Pretty Woman
2. Beetle Guice
3. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
4. Wizard of Oz
5. Charlie and the Choc Factory
6. Any Jerry Lewis Movies
7. Independance Day

7 people I'd like to tag:

Not sure who reads my Blog reg but here goes.

1. annemarie come undone
2. mary ellen and steve Our IVF Journey
3. s Infertility SUCKS!
4. ilyse fertile or infertile
5. lisa Lis
6. Beagle Fortune Cookie Follies . . . . . . . . . May Luck be a Baby Tonight!
7. TiggleBitties Fertility, The new "F" word


Blogger S said...

Woot! I got a meme, I got a meme......

Heh.....never been tagged before-yay!

July 01, 2006 1:16 am  
Blogger soralis said...

I am with ya on the perky boobs... good thing I am not too big or I would probably be able to look at my navel between them!! :)

Take care

July 01, 2006 8:36 am  
Blogger Mary Ellen and Steve said...

I loooove "Pretty Woman!" That should have been on our list!

July 02, 2006 12:19 am  

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